Fence Style Choices

Most fences in Memphis are 6 foot "Dog Ear" style picket fences. A "Dog Ear" Picket Fence looks great and is probably the most economical style of urban wood fence. Some may refer to this style as a "Privacy Fence". A board-on-board or flat board fence is actually a "Privacy Fence".

Classic Wooden Fence Styles
Picket, Board-on-Board, & Shadowbox (Good Neighbor) Styles

How much will it cost?

The cost of your fence is primarily a function of 3 things: Fence Style, Fence Materials, and Length. You might choose one of the styles shown on this page. Any of these styles can be built from cedar or pressure treated pine. Pine is typically one-half the cost of cedar. The length of your fence will determine the quantity of materials needed and amount of labor involved to build your fence.

When I visit with you, I will ask about style, materials, and length as well as any other needs that you have (2 gates, double gates, dog windows, etc). Additionally, I will access your official lot measurements from the Shelby County website. This will help me locate your actual property boundaries and sketch the fence plan. If your lot has varying elevations, I will need to survey the fence line using a transit level.

Although not as complex as building a home, there are several variables involved in each fence project. It may take some time to account for all of these variables. Don't be surprised by this. I want to determine all of the details and then give you the clearest estimate for your fence project.

Wood Fence Styles
Privacy [Board-on-Board] and Rail Styles